Home > Golf Mini-Talk Series
Golf Mini-Talk Series
Mini golf-talk series are for those who are interested in golf biomechanics but not serious enough to take the certification courses. These series are in general developed for a broader audience who do not have much exposure to biomechanics before and can be formatted to 2-4 hour sessions.
Currently, the following mini-talk series are available:
Scheduled Online Mini-Talk Series
Live Online Global - June 2023
Via Zoom platform
June 12-14 and 19-21, 2023
Early bird regitration: by May 15
Registration deadline: May 29
2 hours per mini-talk, 6 mini-talks:
- Ground-up
- Rhythm in golf swing
- Kinematic sequences
- The K:GRAND=IO=SE swing principles
- Swing morphology
- Common motion pattern issues
Click here to download the flyer for details. To register, click here. Registration will be closed on Mon, May 29, 2023. Direct all inquiries to kigreLLC@gmail.com.
1. Biomechanically Robust Golf Swing (BRGS)
This talk covers key principles of a mechanically and biomechanically robust golf swing. A set of practical and effective drills will be presented at the end of the lecture as well. The main topics are:
- Use the ground well.
- Maximize the clubhead speed.
- Use a flowing motion.
- Involve the whole body.
- What to do to develop a BRGS?
2. Ground-Up
This talk focuses on the foot-ground interaction, one of the most important mechanical aspects of the golf swing. A key angular concept, moment of force (torque), will be introduced first and the angular role of the ground reaction force and moment will be discussed based on the concept. Two main torque generation mechanisms of the golf swing will be explained. The main topics are:
- Moment of force (torque)
- Various effects of the ground reaction force
- Ground reaction force (GRF) / moment (GRM)
- Center of pressure (COP)
- Moments from the foot-ground interaction
- Moment patterns
- Swing styles
3. Kinematic Sequences
The kinematic sequence is one of the key biomechanical principles of the human motion. This talk focuses on three motion sequences observed in golf swing: backswing, transition, and downswing. The influence of golfers' shoulder girdle motion and pelvis-shoulders separation characteristics (X-factor and X-factor stretch) on the kinematic sequences used will be highlighted. The main topics are:
- Kinematic sequence, introduction
- Late shoulder girdle acceleration during the downswing
- X-factor stretches: backswing stretch, downswing stretch, and total stretch
- Swing characteristics vs. motions sequences
- Pelvis-shoulders separation patterns: early separation vs. late separation
- Swing styles: wrist-dominant, excessive shoulder girdle rotation
4. Shapes of the Swing
The golf swing will be dissected in the perspective of shape of motion. The topics included are:
- Swing plane
- Club path
- Impact position
- Wrist cocking/uncocking
- Pelvis motion during the backswing
- Useful drills
5. Common Motion Pattern Issues
Commonly observed motion pattern issues broken down to categories will be addressed in this talk. The main topics are:
- Backswing issues: tempo, pelvis, pelvis-shoulders separation, and arms
- Transition issues: large downswing X-factor stretch
- Downswing issues: pelvis, shoulder girdles, and arms/wrists
- Global motion pattern issues
- Solutions
6. The GRAND=IO=SE Swing Principles
The key elements of the GRANDIOSE swing principles will be explained systematically with their biomechanical foundations in this talk:
- G: Ground-up
- R: Rhythmic
- A: Asynchronous
- N: Natural
- D: Dynamic
- I: Impulsmart
- O: Orchestrated
- S: Safe
- E: Effectificient
7. Rhythm in Golf Swing
8. Clubhead Speed: A Big-Picture Approach
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