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Mechanics is a branch of physics dealing with motions of objects and forces that cause motion. Biomechanics is the study of structure, function, and motion of biological systems in the mechanical perspective. In other words, biomechanics is application of mechanics in the study of biological systems. While biological systems of interest in biomechanics include not only humans but also animals or any living organisms, we can certainly limit our interest to humans here. Biomechanics in simple terms is mechanics of the human body and motion.

Golf [Swing] Biomechanics is application of mechanical and biomechanical principles in the study of golf swing motion and golfer's body. Golf swing as a mechanical phenomenon must follow the mechanical laws so golf swings can be scrutinized in the mechanical perspective. Understanding basic mechanical laws will help instructors and other golf practitioners see the backbone of a good golf swing. Golf biomechanics ultimately deals with the cause-and-effect relationships in golfer's swing motion. Golf biomchanics is a key aspect of evidence-based practice in golf teaching.

Main Themes

There are three main themes in biomechanics which are equally meaningful in golf swing biomechanics as well: effectiveness, efficiency, and safety.

  • Effectiveness concerns maximization of the performance: how to hit farther, improve direction control, improve consistency, etc.
  • Efficiency is related to economy of force exertion and energy consumption during : generation of the same outcome with less effort. The movement pattern used by a golfer has a lot to do with efficiency.
  • Safety means prevention of injuries. With the prevalence of golf-related injuries in elite players lately, prevention of injuries has become one of the key aspects of biomechanics in modern golf.